Wanted : African Mango For Slim

wanted : african mango for slim
African mango or mango Irvingia gabonensis is wild grown in the country of Cameroon, West Africa. The color of african mango is red as same as an apple. Since appearing on "Dr. Oz Show" (a program TV Show that is popular in America) in September 2010, demand for the pills / tablets of African Mango continues to increase. Dr. Oz said there are three that should be kept in the medicine box : Vitamins B, Mango Africa and multivitamins.  
African Mango extract is claimed to reduce weight an average of 10-12 kg in 10 weeks. Based on the results of research at the University of Yaounde, Cameroon, African Mango extract is a natural ability to suppress appetite and affects the brain's perception of food. This is because of African Mango extract can increase adiponectin production in the body. Production of high adiponectin can increase sensitivity to insulin so the body will burn more fat. More fat cells caused the production of adiponectin in the body will be low, that's why thin people more  a lot of a adiponectin production than fat people. The secret of african mango have been used for centuries by local people to starve while hunting because it can shut down the hunger mechanism. Chris Kilham - herbal doctors and researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst criticized that is impossible to lose weight just by taking a pill/tablet without any effort.
 "There are many opportunities for companies to always produce the diet pills, and for people who do not want to hard of course is very welcome. But there is one similarity in diet pills, so many people who have tried and become disappointed because they do not get as expected," Kilham said as quoted by FoxNews, Wednesday (17/08/2011). According to Kilham if you want to lose weight do not dwell on the short but doing the basic things to lose weight. Eat smaller portions, multiply eat fresh fruits and vegetables, eating less refined carbohydrates (like white flour, sugar, syrup) and keep the fried foods and routine walking (exercise). Mango is a fruit that is rich in fiber and contain antioxidant carotenoids. Mango fruit is also low in fat and cholesterol free. With the Glycemic Index ranges from 41-60, mango does not have a significant effect  to increase blood sugar levels, so do not store much fat. Low Glycemic Index is made mango suitable for diabetics. "Indeed, with the basics such people will not get a lot of weight loss, but this was better and the sense than to be disappointed again and again with the shortcut through pills," says Kilham.

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