How To Lose Weight?

how to lose weight?
Permanent weight loss is an elusive goal, especially for today's standards. Healthy lifestyle program is not a "diet." Is here to give you the tools and resources you need to help you make lifestyle changes and behavior, not eating. Do not make money from your weight, like other institutions, so consider the following:
  1. Weight loss program quick solutions everywhere. They make losing weight easier and faster health benefits. While weight loss is better health for the overweight, diet often results in health problems than they cure. Some yo-yo dieting, where you put the weight back as soon as you stop dieting, eating some seriously restrict calories and / or essential nutrients, and claimed the superiority of a particular food or group with little or no evidence to support.
  2. You can not participate in the "food" you can not follow the rest of your life, or as soon as you stop dieting to gain weight you lost, as seen in approximately 95 percent of food-and often more than they started with because of how it has changed its metablism. That is why we promote lifestyle changes. It is the only way to lose weight effectively and long term, while enhancing the benefits that come along with weight loss.
  3. "Prohibition" of certain foods has become one of the biggest mistakes people make when dieting. It will only lead to greed, and binge later cause weight gain rather than loss. No food is "good" or "bad", no eating only "good" and "bad." Diet must change bad eating habits so they do not only lose weight but keep it permanently. Twinky may even be part of a "healthy diet" provided that it is not for every meal.
  4. Changes in eating habits should be gradual, with a focus on one thing at a time, provide realistic expectations of yourself plenty of time to make the change. Do not try to change all at once or you get overwhelmed, reduce your chances of success. For example, if you drink too much soda and water is not enough, it is unrealistic for the purpose of "do not drink soda and drink 64 ounces of water a day .." Although it is perfectly healthy behavior for the purpose, start small with something that can actually achieve. Purhaps make a goal to drink a glass of water for every drink consumed. This will increase water consumption and reduce their consumption of soft drinks. If you've had success there, proceed to the next step can only take one drink for lunch and focus on water, food, juice and milk. They are part of his life. When you feel comfortable with a step in the right direction, and then take the next step. .
  5. Do not limit your calorie intake significantly. Doing this will slow your metabolism and your body will hold onto everything you eat and gain weight. In the evaluation of their healthy lifestyle, you'll find your basic metabolic rate, which is quite certain that you, your age, body type, gender, etc. will generally range between 1500-2500 calories per day. This is the amount of calories your body burns at rest, so if you are to stay in bed all day - not lifting a finger, do not lift your toes, do not move a muscle - you will burn this amount calories a day to keep your heart pounding, hair grows, your digestive system works, the lungs expand, your brain functions, etc, etc, etc. .. Consume less than that amount a day at the expense of function prior to burning all the fat you want to take, so instead of eating less, try to change where the calories come into place. Instead of a bag of chips to try a sandwich with bread, meat, lettuce, tomato, etc. fill it more efficient and give your body the nutrients you need, causing weight loss possible, but below basic metabolic rate and make the body / metabolism risk of sustained consumption of too few calories.
  6. Canal size. The numbers on the scale means nothing. If you can not tell you the percentage of fat in your body, then it is not good. You may lose a few kilos, but you can not just water - how do you know? You can get a couple of kilos, but that could change in body fat with muscle which weighs more than fat so you will gain weight at a size even if you lose weight. If you put the two parties on the side, which is too thin or overweight out another, which can operate at scale and see exactly the same amount. This is because lean muscle mass has a high percentage and low in fat, while others may have little muscle and a higher percentage of fat. So if you base your development on a dimension number, can not be trusted. A better measure is a measure tape. The measurement of certain areas, such as waist, hips, thighs, etc., and then measure the same area a month later (to avoid measuring themselves too often as a weight loss occurs gradually and may leads to despair when they see the changes each time you measure.)
Above all, stay away from fad diets! Stay tuned for the messages that come in that plunges deeper into danger and disadvantages of food.

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